The Technical Side - This is your mail server/service.

Options include:

Company Mthly $ Contacts Mthly Sends CRM?
Mail Chimp free 2,000 10,000 Yes
Mail Chimp $299.00 10,000 150,000 Yes
Hub Spot $49.00 2,000 10,000 Yes
gMail free No Limit 6,000 No
gMail $7.00 No Limit 60,000 No

Data & Terminal does not currently offer eMailing services. We do sell data and if you buy your data from us we can help you setup whoever you use usually at no extra cost.

If your goal is to market locally to no more than 2,000 people/businesses and no more than 2000 emails per week, The Mail Chimp free service would work fine. 2,000 records at 3 cents each is $60.00 and we will help you setup your mail chimp account for free.

If you are going to target 10,000 it's $300.00 per month. It could easily get into the multi $1000's monthly.

Good news for those wanting to target 200,000+ monthly, If you buy data from us, for a nominal fee, we can show you how to use the gMail service - paying Google directly their less than $70.00 per month fee for their service.

Note: None of the above provide data/leads.

Data - This is will make or break your campaign.

Options include:

Company Contacts Cost Each Total Cost
Book Your Data 10,000 $0.1299 $1,299.00
Leads Please 10,000 $0.142 $1,420.00
Exact Data 10,000 $0.075 $750.00
Data & Terminal 10,000 $0.03 $300.00

Yes, here at Data & Terminal we offer offer high quality data at a fraction of the price.

Via TeamViewer we will let you login to our computers and look over our shoulder and show you in real-time how we use this data to send out over 17,000 emails daily.

For a Free Consultation, call Donald now at 954-647-3064

Content - The words you use in your eMails.

Sounds really simple, right? Just tell the prospected customer what you are offering. It's not that simple There are the Spam Bots and Filters looking for "trigger words", such as "I can save you money", "Increase Sales", "Buy now", "Free Trial", etc. The more "Spam" words the Bot's capture the quicker your emails will be blocked.

Good news here also! We can demonstrate in real time how we "Say More with Less Words" reaching a 99% successful delivery rate while not triggering the spam filters.